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Griiddiro mirror series on paper, Newport, VT, 2020
Some of the earliest planned cities were constructed using network plans.
In ancient Rome, the grid plan method of the land measure was named "centuriation".
This type of city plan where streets run at right angles to each other, building a grid also named gridiron.
I am fascinated by this minimal geometric shape: how to break the frequent crossings, the orthogonal geometry
and reveal the emotional hidden part.
About the theme of "centuriation"
In exploring the concept of grid plans and their intersection with emotions,
I utilize collages and tapes to deconstruct the rigid structure of the grid
and reveal its underlying emotional complexities.
Rather than adhering strictly to the orthogonal geometry of the grid,
I introduce elements of spontaneity and irregularity, disrupting the uniformity
of the grid lines.
Through the strategic arrangement of collages and tapes, I create abstract shapes that suggest the tension between order and chaos inherent in grid-based
urban layouts.
By breaking the frequent crossings and introducing asymmetrical elements,
I seek to evoke a sense of emotional resonance within the artwork.
These disruptions serve as visual representations of the emotional undercurrents that permeate planned cities, where the rigid structure of the grid can often conceal deeper feelings of isolation, disconnection, or confinement.

Through the interplay of geometric shapes and contrasting textures,
I aim to capture the nuanced relationship between the physical environment
and the emotional experiences of those who inhabit it.
My artistic process involves unraveling the emotionally hidden parts of grid plans, transforming them from mere structural blueprints into evocative expressions of human experience.
By manipulating collages and tapes, I create abstract compositions that
invite viewers to contemplate the intersection of urban design and emotional resonance, prompting them to reflect on how our built environments
shape our perceptions and feelings.
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